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MITI KM Proudly Present



(The First Science and Technology Students Conference)

[divider] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/ux_slider] [row] [col span=”8″ span__sm=”12″] [accordion title=”ABOUT ISTECH” auto_open=”true”] [accordion-item title=”Description”]

The globalization of science is not a new phenomenon, 21st century science and technology enterprises are more geographically dispersed, more interconnected, and more dynamic than ever. The highlights of Indonesia’s experience with globalization, Edward Aspinall conclusively demonstrates how nationalist discourse is becoming more prominent under current President Joko Widodo than in earlier times since the democratization of Indonesian political life in 1998, including growing territoriality, economic, and Culture. Hal Hill and Deasy Pane concluded that Indonesia continues to experience ambivalence towards globalization.

In advancing science and technology, the Indonesian government has taken important steps to support technological transformation, including new tax incentives, large investments in digital infrastructure, e-commerce economic policy packages, and new financing mechanisms for support public research. However, the Indonesian innovation system is still in early stages of development, such as relatively low R&D spending, limited business sector contributions to innovation and R&D, relatively low number of requests for patents, perceived regulatory barriers to private investment, and limited technological expertise.

While, during the last two decades, the tourism industry in Indonesia has undergone significant changes. This is partly due to the 1998 economic crisis and socio-political instability, and partly to the transition process of implementing regional autonomy in Indonesia. Prior to the economic crisis, Indonesia experienced a steady and rapid growth in international arrivals, especially in the last decade before 1997. However, after the economic crisis hit Indonesia in July 1997, social unrest and political disasters in Indonesia that caused tourist arrivals decreased significantly from 5,185,243 in 1997 to 4,606,416 in 1998 with a negative growth of 11.2%. The characteristics of tourist attractions in indonesia include natural features, nature reserves, botanical gardens, marine parks, arts and culture.

As the largest archipelago country in the world, Indonesia, which consists of more than 17,000 islands, has a population of about 255 million people; a figure that makes Indonesia the fourth most populous country in the world. These impressive figures also imply that significant cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity can be found within its boundaries, from the daily Hindu rituals practiced on the island of Bali to the application of Islamic Sharia law in Aceh. In particular, the socio-cultural strength, heterogeneous conditions consisting of various ethnicities and their diversity in social life add a significant impact if optimization efforts are carried out properly.

On the other hand, as a agricultural country, food security is one of the Indonesia government’s priorities, through the revitalization of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, the government continues to increase the availability of food, after achieving self-sufficiency in rice for a long time in 1984. Indonesia was able to achieve this, it regained self-sufficiency in 2008 and was able to emerge from the global crisis that year. The concept of food security implies adequate availability and stability in the food supply and, more importantly, access to food and its use.

MITI Klaster Mahasiswa, as the one of representative young scientist organization, presents The 1ST Science and Technology Students Conference (ISTECH). This conference is gateway to learn, discuss thoughts, explore the network, share and create new ideas, and to gain motivation. The conference will provide a blended learning environment with multiple opportunities for individuals to learn and engage in a wide array of formats. We will provide a great and professional speakers, breakout sessions, and events for social interaction.

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Event Goals”]
  1. To foster awareness to build the local wisdom-based country
  2. To provides hard-skills knowledge
  3. To provides knowledge about the challenges and multi-aspect potency that can be developed in Indonesia.
  4. To Improve the ability of student scientific organizations in the fields of research and development.
  5. To gain collaboration and raise the relationship between student scientific organization
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Organizing Committee”]

Chair : Sholah Fariduddin, S,Si
Secretary : Nur Hidayawati S,AP
Secretariat : Syaila Salsabila Faradis
Program Chair : Hilmy Maulana Rachmawan
Media and Technical System : Rif’an Habibi
System Service : Hendri Prasetyo
Food Supply : Rizki Maryana Putri
Sponsorship : Burhani Farid Hardian

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Scientific Committee”]


Dr. Warsito [Chairman of Indonesian Society of Scientist and Technologies (MITI)] 

Dr. Mahfudz Al Huda, M.Eng [Advisory Board-ISTECH, Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia]

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Venue”]

Virtual Conference

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Contact Person”]

If you have any question, please click here to ask something


[/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [accordion title=”SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM” auto_open=”true”] [accordion-item title=”Timeline”]

2nd Phase of Abstract Submission – Extended

Dec, 31th 2020 – Jan, 16th 2021

Announcement for Accepted Abstract – Extended

January, 28th 2021

Paper Submission – Extended

Jan, 29th – Feb, 20th 2021

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Speaker”]


  • Dr. Warsito Purwo Taruno (Chairman of MITI)


  • Dr. Sastia Prama Putri (Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University, Japan)


  • Prof. Ir. Mukhtasor, M. Eng, Ph.D. (National Energy Expert of Indonesia)


  • Dr. Fithra Faisal Hastiadi, S.E., M.E., M.A. (Ministry of Trade Spokesman)


  • Prof. Suzuki Yayusuki (Head of Management of Business Development Course, Shizouka University, Japan)
[/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/col] [/row] [accordion title=”ABSTRACT SUBMISSION”] [accordion-item title=”Registration Guideline”]


Presenting Participant (Oral and Poster Exhibitor)

  1. Abstract registration is free of charge.
  2. Participants are groups of students undergraduate and the public (one member of the team must be an active student or a fresh graduate).
  3. Participants choose one of the following forms:
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Exhibitor
  • Either.
  1. Participants attach files during abstract registration such as:
  • Curriculum Vitae (format is provided in the link http://bit.ly/CVIstechFormat)
  • Letter of Authenticity signed on stamp 6000 (format is provided in the link )
  • Scan of KTM and KTP / Passport
  1. The accepted abstract will be further informed via the website http://mitimahasiswa.id/istech/ and participants’ email.
  2. The committee will conduct online writing training for participants whom their abstracts are not accepted in the selection process.


Non-Presenting Participant

  1. Participants are students (undergraduate) and the general public.
  2. Willing to take part in lecture activities from beginning to end.
  3. Make a payment
    Public : IDR 50.000 (20 % Discount) to IDR 40.000
    Participant Undergraduate : IDR 40.000 (30 % Discount) to IDR 28.000
    PCC (Paper Coaching Clinic) – Participant and MITI KM partners : IDR 40.000 (30 % Discount) to IDR 28.000 
    to a BNI Syariah account 0827944291 a / n Syifa Qolbiyah Nasir
  4. Participants would get facilities as well:
  • Virtual Conference Facilities
  • Certificate
  • Conference Kit
  • E-Book ISTECH Conference
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Abstract Submission Guideline”]

  1. Organizer of the conference welcome online submission written in English language which are related to the areas of Local Wisdom Research in the following scopes:
    • Maritime
    • Tourism and creative economy
    • Agriculture
    • Social and Cultures
    • Science and Technology
  2. Paper/Abstract must be originally written by the author.
  3. Paper has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere proven by Letter of Authenticity. (http://bit.ly/PlagiarismFreeStatementLetter)
  4. Abstract should be consist of Title, Authors, Affiliation, Body Abstract, and Keywords.
  5. Abstract contains maximum 300 words in a single paragraph
  6. Abstract must be submitted using online submission management system available in the MITI-KM website at submenu “Abstract Submission”
  7. Download The 1st ISTECH Abstract format template (file in Ms.Word) (http://bit.ly/TemplateAbstractIstech)
  8. Author should choose one of the following form:
    • Oral Presentation
    • Poster Exhibition
    • Either

(If authors choose “Either”, they would present either poster or oral based on cutting-off point determined by scientific committee)

[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Abstract Submission”] [contact-form-7 id=”993″] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Award”]

Reward for:

  • 1 st Winner Paper and Poster
  • Best Paper and Poster
  • Best Speaker
[/accordion-item] [/accordion] [accordion title=”PAPER SUBMISSION”] [accordion-item title=”Paper Submission Guideline”]
  1. Organizer of the conference welcome online submission written in English language which are related to the areas of Local Wisdom Research in the following scopes:
    • Maritime
    • Tourism and creative economy
    • Agriculture
    • Social and Cultures
    • Science and Technology
  2. Paper must be originally written by the author.
  3. Add research member in the author’s name (second or third) if research is a team.
  4. adjust the writing to the format that the committee has made ( https://bit.ly/fullpaperISTECH )
  5. We provide a language justification facility. If interested, please contact us. ( http://bit.ly/GrammarlyISTECH )
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Paper Submission”] [contact-form-7 id=”1073″] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [accordion title=”POSTER SUBMISSION”] [accordion-item title=”Poster Submission Guideline”]
Poster Format
  1. The team asked to prepare a poster, summarizing the proposed ideas.
  2. Design and content depend on participants’ creativity – a minimum of 22 fonts for content text. Please also consider the background and font color for audience convenience.
    Format ( https://bit.ly/posterpresentationISTECH )
  3. Participants have the opportunity to explain their ideas to the judges and guests using posters that have been prepared throughout the competition day.
  4. Poster Presentation Session: Each team will give a short presentation about the poster and its innovation (about 3 minutes) to the jury. The jury can ask questions (about 2 minutes) and mark their performance on the scoring sheet. We have a maximum of 5 minutes for each team in the poster session.
  5. Contestants have prepared e-posters.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Poster Submission”] [contact-form-7 id=”1075″] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [accordion title=”Participant – Conference of ISTECH”] [accordion-item title=”Registration Guideline”]


Presenting Participant (Oral and Poster Exhibitor)

  1. Abstract registration is free of charge.
  2. Participants are groups of students undergraduate and the public (one member of the team must be an active student or a fresh graduate).
  3. Participants choose one of the following forms:
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Exhibitor
  • Either.
  1. Participants attach files during abstract registration such as:
  • Curriculum Vitae (format is provided in the link http://bit.ly/CVIstechFormat)
  • Letter of Authenticity signed on stamp 6000 (format is provided in the link )
  • Scan of KTM and KTP / Passport
  1. The accepted abstract will be further informed via the website http://mitimahasiswa.id/istech/ and participants’ email.
  2. The committee will conduct online writing training for participants whom their abstracts are not accepted in the selection process.


Non-Presenting Participant

  1. Participants are students (undergraduate/postgraduate/doctoral) and the general public.
  2. Willing to take part in lecture activities from beginning to end.
  3. Make a payment of IDR 40,000 to a BNI Syariah account 0827944291 a / n Syifa Qolbiyah Nasir
  4. Participants would get facilities as well:
  • Virtual Conference Facilities
  • Certificate
  • Conference Kit
  • E-Book ISTECH Conference
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Conference of ISTECH”] [ux_image id=”1067″] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Participant Registration – Conference of ISTECH”] [contact-form-7 id=”1061″] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [accordion title=”Payment Confirmation (For Presenter or Participant)”] [accordion-item title=”Payment”]

Click here to confirm your payment


With Format;
full name :
The institution (University, Partner, or similar):
no. telephone:
Category type:
Paper Title (3 main words): *for presenter

Please attach your proof of payment (JPEG/PNG/PDF Format)

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